Saving On Wine Without Sacrificing Quality

If you're someone who enjoys wine, you've probably noticed how quickly the costs add up. You might assume you have to choose between your favorite indulgence and healthy finances, but that's not necessarily the case. There are some ways to buy good wine for less. Take a look.

Find a good discount wine store in your area.

Sometimes people avoid wine stores advertised as "discount wine stores" because they figure the wine sold there will be either cheap or spoiled. But in fact, even discount wine stores go a long way to ensure they carry good wines that appeal to their customers. They just cut costs in other ways. They may be located in a part of town where rent is cheaper. They might not have a very large store of a very nice storefront, and they may not provide their customers with bags for their purchases. All of these measures keep costs down and allow them to sell their wine for less, although it may be the very same wine you'd pay more for at the higher-end shop on the other side of town.

Buy your wine by the case.

Many people buy their wine a bottle or two at a time because they don't want to spend too much at once. But actually, you can save quite a lot of money by buying wine by the case. Many wine stores — especially those who advertise themselves as discount wine stores — offer a discount on wine bought by the case. Buying by the case saves their staff the time and effort of unpacking the box and shelving all the wine. Generally, when you buy by the case, you will ask the cashier for the wine you want and they'll get it straight out of the back room, already boxed and ready to go. 

Buy last year's vintages.

It's not entirely true that the price of wine goes up as it ages. This only applies to certain varietals that are designed to age. For most wines, the cost of the last year's vintage actually goes down once the new vintage is released. The winemakers want to clear out the old vintage so they can sell the new one more prominently. Last year's wine is certainly still good and will be good for years to come, but it often costs less than this year's wine.

With the tips above, you can keep your wine costs down and still indulge. To learn more, contact a discount wine store.
